Blizzard is set to begin in a week!


One week from today you'll be able to sign up for your first Blizzard trip of the season. We still have a great deal to accomplish over the next week.

Items we are working on include:
Finalization of Bus stops
Printing Blizzard membership cards

You can help by making certain I have your Epic Pass numbers and your rental serial numbers (that's the number on the ski/board, not the rental agreement number that's on the upper left of the rental form.) Do a final check of your contact email and phone number we have on file in your profile as those are on the back of the Blizzard membership cards.

The lanyards and membership cards will be handed out on your first trip (as long as the card printing machine cooperates.)

The Lincoln Park bus stop will most likely be at Clybourn and Wrightwood in the empty parking lot next to Jewel, behind FedEx. ONLY for the length of time of Zoo Lights  - January 4th would be the last day, unless everyone prefers the new stop.

An additional city stop will be at Winnemac Park next to Amundsen High School. I'll add a selection for that stop so you can change your stop if you would like.

Wilmette is most likely moving to Niles North High School (by Old Orchard) Yes, I know that gives us two Skokie stops, but really the other one on McCormick is in Lincolnwood.

I'll send an email when these are finalized.

The website opens on Monday at 7 AM.  It is set up to automatically discount for Epic Passes, so ensure you have the Epic Pass number in your profile. Your receipt from Vail Resorts (even if you purchased on-line) lists the name of the person for whom the pass was purchased and the number of the pass, right on the receipt. Ouy system will not discount if you just say "Yes." It wants a valid pass number.

Remember that the weekly trip sign up closes at Thursday at 5 PM.


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