Volunteering as a Blizzard Supervisor

Blizzard operates as a not-for-profit sports association and therefore does not have any employees. Each person who assists with Blizzard in any capacity is a volunteer. While the need for assistance can come from a variety of tasks, the most dramatic and visible one is with adult Supervision for each trip.

Supervisors are the mainstay of bus administration and safety. We like to have some consistency in the willingness to supervise such that kids on a route begin to recognize the Supervisors and use them as their go-to source for answers to questions during the day. We want that level of companionship and comfort. Supervisors will get to know the kids on their route and be able to address the issues they may encounter.

Bus Supervisors get to the bus stops a bit early to help load and check in members for the day’s trip. The Supervisor validates Blizzard tag information and shares important information about the day.  The primary responsibility is to manage the bus trip and communications about the trip up and back from the ski area. During the day the Supervisors are needed to assist with class line-ups and oversight on the slopes. In the Mountain House they can also be a magnet for Blizzard kids and help “man” the Blizzard Desk. These duties are light and leave a great deal of time to ski and board at leisure. If an injury occurs or there is a need for attention to a particular member, the Bus Captain from their bus will be the one to take charge. For the return trip home, the Supervisors are again in charge of loading  and unloading the bus and managing the bus ride experience

In return for this thankless role, we offer compensation in the form of a lift ticket, and a lesson with Blizzard classes. This is the least we can do for this essential role.

For more information about becoming a Supervisor, please contact me at blizzardskiclub@gmail.com or 773-852-1000.

If you are serious about helping with this role, you must be able to do it more than 4 times during a season. This is not an opportunity to shadow your child for a day, this is a role that is fundamental to the smooth operation of the club and will demand your attention to all the kids on your bus. 

Here is the meat of the role of the Supervisor: Blizzard Supervisor Webinar