What to do when there are no seats available on your bus stop of choice

When you are trying to register for a trip and get the message "The selected options are currently not in stock" it is a euphemism for "there are no more seats available." That particular stop has reached capacity. When you reach this message, you send an email to Blizzardskiclub@gmail.com with the information of what stop you are trying to reserve. The waitlist is a manual process once we run out of seats. I need to understand how many people are waiting for seats at each stop before I can start to solve the puzzle of the bus routes and where I have excess seat capacity. Don't just sign up for a seat expecting me to somehow magically find seats on the bus that was already full. Sometimes people cancel and I can backfill seats, but usually it is I have to come up with an alternate bus route where I seats to spare. I may not get back to you until Thursday or Friday, but rest assured I do have your email and I am working on a solution.

On another note, to be more compliant with the local health officials the Covid quarantine or isolation period has been reduced to 5 days. If you have been exposed to Covid or have had Covid, you can participate with Blizzard no earlier than 5 days with a negative test within the past 48 hours.